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About 75% of all firefighter's marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for firefighters is 3x higher than the rest of the United States, second only to military.

My husband is a firefighter and we never had any friends that we knew of that were getting divorced until he became a firefighter. At least once every 6 months he comes home to tell me of another guy who is getting divorced because of infidelity/relationship strain and he works for a small department. My marriage was heading down that same path and blew up in my face 1 week before Christmas '08. It is looking like we may be able to work this out but it is very sad that fire departments don't step up and implement programs/groups within each department to help keep these statistics from growing! I for one will not stand for this any longer! We wives of these men are so many times left to blow in the wind with our children. I have struggled for so many years asking my husband have they come up with a support group yet for us wives? His answer is always the no no... We must step up and take control our families! We have the power to save our marriage and the marriage of other brave men and women who choose this as their profession. Get together with other wives start going out to dinner once a month, once you get to know these women this will then have a support group. You can continue to organize get together, activities, reading material that will help yourself and those around thrive as the wife of a firefighter!!

Remember you must be the one to step up and have others follow you!!

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87% It takes a strong spouse to be married to a firefighter.

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