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Q: What is the dk coin cheat for donkey kong 3?
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Who is dk?

dk is donkey kong

Was donkey kong jr the donkey kong you know now?

No, that was the present day DK. the dk in "Donkey Kong" is um... the old donkey kong... the one married to wrinkly kong...(cant remember the name! EHHH!!)

Is there a dk coin in the level pot hole panic in the game Donkey Kong country 3?

There is a DK Coin for every level, but go on Youtube and look it up.

Which Footballers initilas with DK?

Donkey Kong

Is there such thing as a Donkey Kong 4?

Donkey Kong 3 was the last DK NES game, the next was Donkey Kong Country for the SNES in 1994


DK stands for Donkey Kong. He is a big gorilla with a red tie that says "DK" on it. He is very poplular.

Who is the guy with a red tie in donkey kong?

Donkey Kong wears a red tie that says DK on it. He is the only character in Nintendo that wears a red tie.

Donkey kong on wii channel?

Uh, what? Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2 are on VC. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is on GC. Some crappy DK racing game is on Wii.

What are the dirt squares in donkey kong 64?

The dirt squares are DK Dirt Piles. They have a big multicolored coin inside that gives every kong 5 coins. To get the coin, you first have to get the camera from the banana fairy in the DK Isles. Then, stand on the dirt pile and use your charge move by holding B. The dirt pile should disappear and you will get the coin.

Does Donkey Kong Country have DK coins?

yes because if you find a treasure chest smash it s you get DK coins

Is Donkey Kong Mario's enemy?

The original one (Cranky Kong) yes, but the current one no. To add more details, Cranky Kong was the original DK in the arcade game and was Jumpman's(Mario's) first enemy. The current DK is an adult Donkey Kong jr and Mario's friend and rival, but not his enemy.

Who would win a fight between Donkey Kong and Chuck Norris?

Donkey Kong. Chuck Norris is just a plain human, while DK is a gorilla with brute strength.