

What is the domain of a narwhal?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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9y ago

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Narwhals live in the Arctic waters of Canada, Russia, Norway, and Greenland.

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Q: What is the domain of a narwhal?
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What domain is the narwhal in?

The narwhal is a marine mammal, and all mammals belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya.Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.

What is the narwhals domain?

The narwhal is a marine mammal, and all mammals belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya.Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.

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Does a narwhal have lungs?

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What family is the Narwhal in?

The Narwhal is part of the Monodontidaefamily.

Is a narwhal an invertebrate or a vertebrate?

A narwhal is a mammal and a vertebrate.

Is an narwhal an invertebrate or vertebrate?

A narwhal is a mammal and a vertebrate.

Is a narwhal endengerd?

The narwhal is considered "near threatened"

Why is a narwhal endothermic?

The narwhal is a mammal which makes it, by definition, endothermic.

What's the name of a whale with a long tusk?

The whale that has a distinctive tusk is a narwhal it is native to the arctic ocean