

Best Answer

Between: Omaha, NE

and: Le Mars, IA

Driving miles: 125

Driving time: 2 hrs 15 mins

This approximate driving time and mileage information is based on traveling non-stop in good driving conditions. Driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend travel time. These can include weather, road work, border crossings, and rush hour traffic in urban areas. Mileage denotes actual road miles covered as opposed to Point A to Point B linear distances on a map.

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Q: What is the driving distance between Omaha and La Mars Ia?
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How long is the distance between Mars and Earth?

the distance between earth and mars changes after every minute. Both the planets travel along elliptical orbit that are not synchronized so they are continuously altering distance between them.the average distance between them is 225 million km. the closest approach was in the year 2003 when the earth and mars were separated by a distance of 56 million km.

What is he distance between mars and Saturn?

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What is the distance between India and planet Mars?

400,181,821 km

What is the minimum distance between earth and Mars?

0.52 AU.

What is the communication delay between earth and mars?

Given the following approximate radii for Earth and mars orbits: Earth = 149,598,261 km Mars = 227,939,150 km The shortest distance between the two is the difference between the two, which yields 4minutes 21seconds for radio to go that distance. The longest distance between the two is the sum, which yields 21minutes.

Distance from the sun for mars?

Mars follows an elliptical orbit, so the distance between it and the sun varies. However, the average distance between the two objects is 207 million km, or 1.38 astronomical units, or 128,279,014.03 miles.

What is the closest distance between Earth and Mars?

about 54.6 million kilometers

What is the closet nieghbour to mars?

The closest planet to Mars is Earth. The closest distance between Mars and Earth is approximately 55 million kilometers, but the longest distance between the two neighbors, when one planet is on the opposite site of the sun, is approximately 400 million kilometers. To compare with Mars' other neighbor, Jupiter, the closest distance between the two planets is approximately 490 million kilometers.