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Q: What is the drug in cigarette smoke that stimulates the brain and causes addiction?
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Does sugar stimulate the brain?

Yes it causes an addiction to the brain it stimulates it then it depends on it

What part of the brain is damaged by addiction?

Addiction mainly damages the prefrontal cortex of the brain. The prefrontal cortex controls behavior, decision making and other factors.

What is the main drug in cigarettes that effects the brain the most and is highly addictive?

The nicotine affects the brain and is what causes the cigarette to be so addictive.

What are the psychological effects if using tobacco?

Well, if you do it long enough, you will most likely become dependent on it, i.e. become addicted. The addiction is basically associating things with nicotine. An example would be after you eat, you want a cigarette, so you have one a cigarette. So your brain therefore will associate eating with a cigarette. So called reaction formation which causes a hatred against people who smoke from those who ceased to smoke.

How does you addiction change the brain?

Your addiction changes the brain by altering its chemistry. A drug interferes with the natural processes of the brain. Because of this, it can cause the brain to become dependent on the drug to perform natural processes. This means if you stop taking the drug, the brains new set of natural processes get disrupted and that cause a craving, because the body and brain believe the need the drug to function properly; this causes an addiction.

What causes changes in a smokers brain that makes his or her body feel like it must have nicotine in order to survive?


How do cocaine and alcohol affect the brain?

Cocaine blocks the reuptake of dopamine and, to a lesser extent, norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain. This causes the accumulation of dopamine, leading to euphoria and excitation. The increased stimulation of dopaminergic neurons in the mesolimbic (reward) circuit leads to addiction. Alcohol binds with GABA receptors producing inhibitory effects on neural activity. This produces cognitive impairment and reduced anxiety (disinhibition). Activation of GABA receptors also produces postsynaptic dopamine release, which stimulates the mesolimbic circuit in the brain, producing euphoria and addiction.

Why don't peppermints stimulate the brain?

peppermint does stimulates the brain.:)

How does the distance formula affect your brain?

It stimulates the processing part of your brain.

What is in cigarettes that is so addicting?

An ingredient called nicotine is what is so addicting. Nicotine travels from the lungs, into the bloodstream, and directly to the brain from there, and nicotine causes the brain to demand more of the nicotine, causing the addiction in cigarettes.

The brain plays no role in addiction?


Drug addiction can be considered a complex brain disease for what reasons?

The theory that addiction is a disease is controversial.