

Best Answer

Its called aplesentonium and it can be found in lala land on the edge of imagination island

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Q: What is the drug that jekyll uses?
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Why does hyde grow stronger when jekyll stops using drug?

Hyde grows stronger because he represents the suppressed and dark aspects of Jekyll's personality. When Jekyll stops using the drug that allowed him to control the transformation, Hyde takes over more easily, becoming stronger as he is given more freedom to manifest.

Poole said Dr. Jekyll had been asking for something all week?

Any help?poole told him there were no letters delivered that day

Why does Dr. Jekyll think that only the first batch of the drug actually worked?

it was impure

What led to the decline and fall of Henry Jekyll?

The decline and fall of Henry Jekyll was brought about by his experimentation with the drug that transformed him into his alter ego, Mr. Hyde. As Jekyll continued to indulge in this alter ego, he lost control over the transformations, leading to his eventual demise as Mr. Hyde took over completely. Additionally, Jekyll's inability to reconcile the conflicting sides of his personality and the consequences of his actions contributed to his downfall.

Why didn't the potion work on Jekyll?

The potion didn't work on Jekyll because it had become ineffective due to inconsistencies in the ingredients and the lack of control over the transformation process. Additionally, Jekyll's ongoing internal struggle between his dual identities caused instability in the potion's effects, ultimately leading to his inability to control the transformation.

What are the 7 therapeutic uses for drug?

in pharmacology the seven therapeutic uses of drugs

What is Jekyll's manner of speaking?

Jekyll's manner of speaking is typically formal, educated, and polite. He is articulate and uses precise language to convey his thoughts and ideas clearly to others. His speech is characterized by a sense of control and refinement, reflecting his composed and sophisticated demeanor.

What are some good uses of a drug?

getting high

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this rock use for make a drug

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When was Joseph Jekyll born?

Joseph Jekyll was born in 1663.

When did Gertrude Jekyll die?

Gertrude Jekyll died in 1932.