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Theoretically, a puppy can become infected with parvovirus immediately after birth. However, provided the mother is properly vaccinated, the antibodies in her colostrum will protect the puppies until they are about to be weaned, approximately 8-12 weeks old. This is why most cases of parvo in puppies is seen in those just weaned and out exploring the world - they haven't completed the full series of puppy vaccines and maternal immunity is waning.

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Q: What is the earliest age a pup can get parvo?
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What if your 2 month old pup has parvo and she keeps dry heaven?

A pup can dehydrate very fast and die. You need to take your pup to see your Veterinarian immediately. Withhold all food until you can get in to see your Vet. If your Vet is not available, take your pup into an Emergency Vet Center. Must be done immediately if you want to save your pup.

Can you give a puppy who may have parvo amoxicillin?

You should not give anything to a puppy without a vets recommendation, and they will not give that without seeing the pup. An animals metabolism is much different than that of a humans and you could cause harm, especially to a pup.

What is 7 in one shots for dogs called?

DHLP/Parvo vaccine. You can also get the vaccine with Corona added too. The vaccine is for Distemper, Hepatitis, Lepto, Parainfluenza & Parvo. A pup needs a series of vaccines (check with your Veterinarian) and thereafter, a booster once a year.

What causes parvo?

Usually a puppy will get it from exposure through the unvaccinated mothers milk or infected feces or somewhere like a pet store or vet office where an infected pup was.

Can fleas harm a pup?

Yes, depending on the age of the pup fleas can suck a lot of blood and make a pup weak and anemic.

What is the earliest age I can retire?

The earliest age that you can retire is at 62 years old.

At What age can gerbil have there pup's?

at about 5 months

Can a year and half dog get parvo?

Yes. Dogs can get parvo at any age, and must be vaccinated asap. BUT if your dog has parvo and gets a vaccine when it is sick, it will most likely die. So be absolutly sure that your pet is tested before receiving the vaccination.

How do you despose of a dog with parvo?

First of all, have you taken your dog in to be checked out by a Veterinarian? If not, then you should. You can find out how much it will cost to treat your dog. If you do not have any money and cannot afford to treat your dog, then at least make an appointment with a Veterinarian to have your dog put to sleep. It is done with an I.V. injection and they just fall asleep peacefully & never wake up. Do NOT try to euthanize your dog at home, you could cause much pain & suffering. Next time be sure to vaccinate your dogs. Parvo is very contagious.

How does a puppy get parvo?

Parvo is caught by inhaling, eating, bacteria from poo. You should give all puppies their full set of vaccinations, parvo is really dangerous and unless you want your puppy to die you should give it its vaccinations

Can sheep get parvo virus?

no, horses can't get parvo, parvo is a disease that puppies get.

How do you pronounce parvo in spanish?