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Earth's crust is the surface of Earth. It's technically under the 5 layers of the atmosphere and the rest of the universe.

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The Mantle

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Q: What is the earth's crust under?
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What is under the earths surface and in the earths crust?


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What is the earths under crust surrounded by?

Earths under crust surrounded by Upper Mantle (35-60 km) .The mantle is composed of sillicate rocks that are rich in iron and magnesium relative to the overlying crust.

What is melted rock on the earths is called?

Lava....when its under the earths crust its called magma.

Is the layer of the rock under the surface called earths crust?

Yes it is call a crust 😁

In earths crust What type of rock is found under the oceans?

Oceanic crust, new oceanic crust is produced by seafloor spreading.

What cuases an earhquake?

tectonic plates under the earths crust shifting

How did pangaea split?

Earths magma moved under the crust and the continents split

What is part of earths lithosphere?

yes because its under the 2nd layer of crust

Where is earths Mantle located?

The mantle is located right under Earth's crust.

Earths crust is part of the?

The earths crust is a part of the outermost layer.

How do you get silicon out of earths crust?

Silicon is a mixture of the minerals of the earths crust. so.... silicon isn't something from the earths crust. -thanks for your question.