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Q: What is the effect in having rhetorical questions?
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What is the effect a rhetorical question?

Rhetorical questions act as if they are questioning you and asking for your opinion so you kind of answer it in your head. Also as if they were putting you in their position, making you more involved with the text.

A question without an answer is?

A question without an answer is typically referred to as a "rhetorical question." Rhetorical questions are asked for effect or to make a point, but they are not meant to be answered literally.

What are questions with out answers?

Rhetorical questions. And what are questions, answers, and rhetorical-entries, without definitions of their key terms ?

Can you give us rhetorical questions?

If I were to ask you a rhetorical question, what would you do?

What is the effect of rhetorical question?

Rhetorical questions make the audience think about an answer to the question but no response is needed. This makes the reader think of all the possible answers, which then becomes memorable to them.

Are there rhetorical questions in i was only 19?

Yes, there are rhetorical questions in the song "I Was Only 19" by Redgum. Rhetorical questions are used to evoke a response from the listener and create a sense of reflection on the themes of war and its impact on soldiers.

How does answering rhetorical questions be persuasive?

Some people ask rhetorical q's to try to prove a point to try to get people to understand the importance they feel something has. If one such question is answer, the purpose is defeated. |?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (THE DOMINO EFFECT)

Why answer rhetorical questions?

To annoy the asker

How do rhetorical questions cause tension?

One way that rhetorical questions may cause tension is because they are not really questions. The person who asks a rhetorical question does not expect nor want an answer. This can lead to some tension in the person who is not agreeing with the speaker.

Does rhetorical questions have question marks at the end?

Yes, rhetorical questions typically have question marks at the end to indicate that they are questions, even though they are not meant to elicit a response.

What are rhetorical qwestions?

Questions to which no answer is really expected,

What are you analyzing when you ask a questions about the speaker purpose and audience of the text?

The rhetorical situation