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Q: What is the effect of classical contemporary philosophies to education?
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education and housing does not effect each other. education does not effect housing and housing does not effect education.

What movement had a profound effect on education in the Renaissance time period?

Humanism had a profound effect on education during the Renaissance period. This movement emphasized the study of classical texts, literature, and the humanities, promoting a broad and well-rounded education for individuals. Humanism encouraged critical thinking, creativity, and a focus on individual potential, shaping modern educational practices and curriculum development.

What effect does education have on human behaviour?

Discuss the effect of education on human behaviour

How could it be determined how past racism has a contemporary effect?

Past racism has a contemporary effect because the residual beliefs from the previous generations are passed to the next. A child is not born a racist. They must be taught.

Can classical physics explain the photoelectric effect?

No. To explain the photoelectric effect, you have to think of light as a particle, not a wave. The fact that light can be both a wave and a particle is part of quantum mechanics, not classical physics.

How did the renaissance effect education?

The Renaissance had a profound impact on education by promoting humanism, which emphasized the importance of education and the development of individual potential. This led to the establishment of new schools and universities, an increased focus on classical literature and philosophy, and the development of new teaching methods. The Renaissance also laid the foundation for the modern education system by emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge.

Why classical particle do not show tunneling effect?

Tunneling is a quantum phenomenon. The definition of classical is "not quantum." The remainder is left as an exercise for the reader.

Why might a contemporary poet choose to write in a traditional form?

To create a mesmerizing effect with the rhythms of meter and rhyme. /Apex

What is the classical illusion in this sentence from Walden?

The effect of Allusion in the story is that you GOOGLE it...

Why classical china had a lasting effect on the world?

China's China's China's

Which movement had a profound effect on education?

The Education movements of the 1800s