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No effect but I think you should try it with booty juice

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Q: What is the effect of hard water on the human hair?
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What is the effect of shampoos on the tensile strength of hair?

The effect of shampoos on the tensile strength of hair are hard to determine. Depending on color of hair, brand of shampoo, and previous damage to hair, the results will differ.

If you had trouble getting soap out of your hair after washing is the water more likely to be hard or soft water?

If you have trouble getting soap out of your hair after washing, the water is most likely hard water. Hard water can cause build up in the hair which can cast a dull appearance. This can be removed with a chelating shampoo.

What is the effect of soap and detergent in the hard water?

One effect of soap and detergent in hard water is it will not lather as well as it does in soft water. This can affect the way the soap or detergent cleans in hard water making them less effective.

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There is no immediate effect if the rocks are hard and solid.

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Will adding salt to hard tap water improve hair softness?

Water is hard when it contains a lot of calcium. If you add table salt to it you will get hard salt water. The calcium and salt will deposit in your hair and it will be like coming home from the beach...without the sand. If you want your hair to be soft, wash it in soft water, rain water, distilled water or deionized water then follow the wash with a conditioner.

Does kim Heechul have armpit hair?

As hard as it is to believe, Heechul is also human, so yes, he does have armpit hair.. xD

Do detegeant and soap has the same effect on different types of water?

no. soap cannot be used in hard water

How can acid rain effect tree?

it has an effect because it damages the soil and it is very hard for it to take up water from the soil

Does washing with hard water causes hair roughness?

what do u think im not an expert

Why does blonde hair to turn red in hard water?

The water in your area has high iron deposits, and you weakened your hair by using a chemical. Blonde highlighting is susceptable to primary salts in water because of the bleaching process. Try using a water filter for hair washing.