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Nitrogen deficiency will be detrimental to a bovine's health, and not enough protein during a time when needed will result in downer cows and deadstock. Protein is very important for all cattle, but particularly for lactating dairy and beef cattle and growing calves because there is a huge demand for it in these animals. Calves without adequate protein will be stunted in growth. Lactating cows on a low-protein diet will put a lot of their bodily reserves into milk and not produce much milk at all. You will find lactating cows lose a LOT of weight to the point where they will get emaciated and die if you don't switch their diet soon.

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Q: What is the effect of low protein content in beef and dairy cattle ration?
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Why is soy used feed cows?

Soy, in the form of soyhulls or soybean meal, is considered a plant protein source in its concentrate form. It is considered a good feed for cattle because of its high protein value which is useful in rations that are lacking in protein. It can only be used as a supplement or an additive to a ration, never fed as a ration by itself.

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Urea is a non-protein nitrogen source that is readily available for the commercial dairy industry. It is used as a ration supplement to increase the amount of nitrogen available to the cattle but must be carefully monitored - too much urea can be toxic and cause severe neurologic problems. The advantage to urea is that it is a much cheaper source of nitrogen than protein sources (soybean, poultry meal, etc.).

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Increase in protein content in the hay. The hay may lack a certain amount of protein, so measures have to be taken to increase protein in the hay (and thus in the cows' diet) to meet the cows' nutritional demands.

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Timothy hay is excellent feed for your cows. It's great for horses and dairy cows due to its high fibre and energy content and low protein content. It's best if mixed with a feedstuff that is high in protein to create a good ration for your animals.

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Her normal food will have protein in it. Hamster food mixes with seeds and ration in it will be all the protein she needs.

How much corn is in cattle feed?

It depends on the location, and the type or class of animals fed. There can be as little as no corn (0%) in a feed ration for cattle, or as much as 85% in a feed ration. Not all areas in the world can or will grow corn, and not all feed fed to cattle includes corn. For instance, much of the grain fed to cattle in Canada is barley or oats, not corn.

What is a balance diet ration?

A balanced diet ration is the ration of the various components that you have in your diet. For proteins and carbohydrates the ratio should be one to two so for every one protein, there are two carbohydrates.

Is yellow sulfur blocks good for bred cattle?

No. Cows can easily get sulfur toxicity if fed pure sulfur in a block form. It's best to feed sulfur as a supplement form mixed with other minerals, and in small amounts. The maximum amount cattle should get per ration DM is 0.4%. The optimum amount that cattle need is 0.15% per ration DM. Any level above 0.4% per ration DM is considered toxic for cattle. Consider supplementing cattle with feeds that are high in protein. With that, most feedstuffs contain sufficient sulfur to meet their needs. Note though, that copper requirements are increased by both sulfur and molybdenum. Selenium can be used to replace sulfur in some organic compounds. This only applies to areas that are selenium deficient, though.

Feed for broiler layer an cattle?

They all get different types of feed. Cattle cannot be fed animal-byproducts of any sort, but chickens can. Layers need to be fed grain that is high in calcium and phosphorus and protein. Broilers are fed feed high in protein and energy to increase muscle mass. CHickens can be fed a variety of grains: barley, corn, wheat, rye, etc. and live off of this with no problems. Cattle can also be fed a variety of grains, but need a roughage diet to balance out the high-protein ration to decrease the incidence of bloat and acidosis. Cattle cannot live off of grain like chickens can, and need to eat grass and/or hay along with the serving of grain they get.

What does the healthy cow eat?

This depends on your area and what type of cattle you are feeding. Beef and dairy cattle will eat different types of food as will mature bulls, yearlings, dry cows, and pregnant cattle. Dairy cattle are usually fed a TMR (Total Mixed Ration) consisting of soy beans, corn, and hay. Dairy calves are fed a calf starter ( a grain that is high in protein to aid growth and digestion). Yearlings will eat a corn mixture usually with oats to aid in healthy digestion and growth. Again, this changes for each location and what the farmer seems fit to feed the cattle. Growing feedlot beef cattle will eat a high energy corn for an increase of weight gain. Dry females and pregnant females will usually eat silage, insilage, some farmers will feed dry cattle a specific ration that costs more.

Is chop or whole grain corn bad for cows?

Either and both can be just as bad as the other if they're fed in a 100% ration for a long period of time. As supplements to a forage ration to animals that need it, it's not bad at all; rather it's beneficial for the animal especially if the forage fed isn't enough to meet the animal's nutritional requirements, especially when it comes to protein and energy requirements. This is especially true with grazing dairy cattle, be it mature dairy cows or growing dairy calves (regardless of gender), less with beef cattle except for feeder/finisher cattle.

How do you make supplements for livestock and wildlife?

These feeds are made up because they are concentrated in one of the food groups and are mixed in when formulating the rations to make the ration balanced for that type of animal. If it's a protein supplement for cattle rations they are looking for feed materials that are very high in protein to mix in with other feedstuffs for abalanced ration. A common product would be Soybeanmeal, as it is 44 percent protein, and they are mixing it with corn (9 percent) to end up with a 12 - 14 percent ration. The supplement -soybean meal, is made from soybeans, that are processed. They are steamed, crushed, mashed, oil removed (extruded),dried & ground into a meal concistancy. There's a large plant (ADM) where that's done in Decatur, ILL.