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Reduces rate and depth of breathing and also rate of metabolism or breakdown of energy giving compounds.

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Q: What is the effect of parasympathetic stimulation on respiration?
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Does coronary vessels have both parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation?

Yes. Sympathetic nerve stimulation dilates the blood vessels. Parasympathetic nerve stimulation constricts the blood vessels. The sympathetic nerve stimulation effect is more pronounced.

What is the effect of parasympathetic stimulation on this salivary glands?

Sympathetic stimulation of your salivary glands suppresses the activity of the glands and salivation decreases. During parasympathetic stimulation you to salivate.

What is the effect of pilocarpine on heart rate?

Pilocarpine stimulates the release of acetylcholine from parasympathetic neurons. Therefore, it stimulates the effect of vagal stimulation on the heart.

Is salivation a result of parasympathetic stimulation?


Which is not a result of parasympathetic stimulation?

dilation of the pupils

Does parasympathetic stimulation inhibit digestion?

No, it stimulates it

What is parasympathetic stimulation?

Parasympathetic stimulation is a process that takes place in the peripheral nervous system. This is a process where signals are carried throughout the body.

Does the heart receive both parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation?


How does parasympathetic stimutaion effect the bowel?

The parasympathetic effect on urination will be that of bladder stimulation and resultant voiding of urine. If this stimulation is ecessive it will result in the bladder not being able to hold the urine until voluntary voiding of the urine thus a clinical effect of urinary incontinet results because of lack of control of bladder contraction by the individual.

What happens if the heart receives more sympathetic stimulation than parasympathetic stimulation?

increase its rate and force of contraction

The effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation of the salivary glands are called?


Does the parasympathetic nerve acts as a braking system for the heart?

the heart is supplied by both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers . normally in resting state the heart is under the parasympathetic stimulation ; that's mean if you ramove the parasympathetic stimulation the heart rate will increase up to 100 beat by minute ( under normal conditions in healthy man the heart rate is 72 on average ) , during exercise the heart rate increase and that occurs by the sympathetic stimulation and decreasing the parasympathetic stimulation , and that exactly resemble what occurs when you increase the car velocity : so the we can say that the parasympathetic nerve acts as a braking system of the heart .written by : asma aburas ; medical student .