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Q: What is the effect of the death of Jose rizal in Filipinos?
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What is the cause of death of Jose Rizal?

To fight for our freedom from the Spaniards. He sacrificed he's life for all the Filipinos.

What is the effect of the death of Jose Rizal?

The effect of the death of Jose Rizal was that it was quite emotional to the entire Philippines nation. He was a firm supporter of peaceful reforms and through his death Philippines gained its independence from Spain.

Why was education a supreme aspiration of Jose Rizal?

Jose Rizal believed that education was essential for empowering people and creating positive change in society. He saw education as a tool to combat ignorance, promote critical thinking, and foster national identity and unity among Filipinos. Rizal believed that through education, individuals could gain the knowledge and skills necessary to fight against oppression and injustice.

What are the issues about Jose Rizal?

The issues about Jose Rizal are quite significant to the Filipinos. He pushed for their independence and enlightenment and this gave him the status of a hero.

How did Jose Rizal be a hero?

because he sacrifice his life to the Filipinos or us....

What is the theme of the Jose Rizal the movie?

The theme of Jose Rizal The Movie is patriotism. It defines how Rizal challenged helped Filipinos challenge nationalism under Spanish colonization.

Achievement of dr Jose Rizal?

Dr. Jose Rizal's major achievements include his contributions to Philippine literature and his role in sparking awareness and resistance against Spanish colonial rule through his novels and essays. He is considered a national hero in the Philippines for his advocacy of reforms and his efforts to promote Filipino identity and nationalism. His execution in 1896 fueled the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonization, ultimately leading to the country's independence.

Who is the Filipino national hero?

The national hero of the Filipinos is Dr. Jose Rizal.

Is Jose Rizal is really a hero among the Filipinos?

Jose Rizal is really a hero among the Filipino community. Rizal is considered a national hero and a well known advocating reform in the Philippines