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Q: What is the effect on resistance if the radius of a vessel is halved?
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Why would blood vessel radius have a larger effect on the body than vessel length?

A blood vessel's radius has a larger effect on the body than the vessels length because more blood can flow through a larger blood vessel. A change in the radius will have more of a affect.

What is the affect on blood flow on the radius vessels?

The relationship between blood flow through a vessel and the radius of the vessel can be expressed as BF=1/pi r4 (where pi is equal to 3.14.....). So a change in the radius of a vessel has a large effect on the blood flow through the vessel.

What is the effect that radius changes have on the laminar flow of a fluid?

Laminar flow is the free-flowing blood in the middle of the vessel. Therefore, larger the radius of vessel, more the laminar flow. Smaller the radius of vessel, lesss the laminar flow. Laminar flow is directly reltated to the radius of a vessel.

What factors influences resistance to blood flow in the arteries?

resistance occurs as the blood flows away from heart through the vessels in the peripheral systemic circulation a term known as peripheral resistance. Viscosity of the blood (thickness) ,vessel length (distance) and vessel diameter (blood vessel radius) are three factors

Which would have the greater effect on vascular resistance?

decreasing the diameter of a blood vessel by ½by hussain :)

What blood vessel regulates systemic resistance?

which blood vessel regulates systemic resistance?

How does viscosity affect peripheral resistance?

If you increase the total peripheral resistance then the arterial blood pressure will increase.

What three variables affect peripheral resistance to blood flow?

Resistance is determined by three properties: the lengthand cross-sectional area of a material, and its resistivity. Since resistivity is affected by temperature, you could say that temperature indirectly affects resistance.

What happened to the rate as the right vessel radius was increased?

Physio Ex Answer: When the right vessel radius was increased the flow rate increases.

If the radius of an arteriole increases from 2 to 3 mm how does this affect resistance and blood flow?

Intuitively, it's easy to think of blood flow through the arteries in the same way that you think of the flow of water through pipes. Change the radius of the pipe, and you change how fast water flows to them. Likewise, if you change the radius of an arteriole, you change the rate that blood flows through it. The underlying reason behind these observations is the same. Flow (Q) is determined by a pressure gradient (ΔP) and the resistance to flow (R): Q = ΔP / R If you increase resistance, you decrease flow; likewise, decrease resistance and you increase flow. But what determines resistance? Poiseuille's law tells us that resistance (R) is inversely proportional to the fourth power of radius (r). So let's say we take a normal blood vessel and measure the resistance; let's call that resistance R1. Now if we double the vessel radius, what happens to the resistance? Poiseuille's law (see link to left) tells us that if we double the radius, our resistance goes down by a factor of 16. So R2 is one-sixteenth of R1. How does this affect blood flow? For that we go to our original equation that related flow, pressure gradient, and resistance. From that you can see that flow is inversely proportional to resistance. So if you halve resistance, then you double flow; likewise, if you take our example and reduce resistance to a factor of one-sixteenth, then flow increases by a factor of 16. The same principles and steps can be used to figure out what happens when you change the radius of an arteriole from 2 mm to 3 mm. Only this time you're not increasing radius by a factor of 2; you're increasing it by a factor of 3 / 2, or 1.5.

What is vessel turning radius?

The turning radius of a vessel is a mathematical computation used to determine the turning circle of the vessel during anchoring in order to check if the anchor is dragging. It can be computed by adding the length of the anchor chain to the overall length of the vessel and subtracting the length between bridge and aft.

How calculate radius of dish end size from pressure vessel diameter?

Calculating the radius of dish end size from the pressure vessel diameter is easy. All you have to do is add the blank radius by scaling the drawing from the side and you add five percent.