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1)Loss of a capable Leader- Gustav Stresseman

Weaknesses of the Weimar Government

2)Opposed by the left-wing communists

3)Opposed by the right-wing fascists

4)Opposition from middle class

5)Lack of Authority

The Great Depression

6)Hyperinflation and the TOV

Hitler's abilities

7)Clever reorganisation of the Nazi Party

8)Skillful at making deals with politicians

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Q: What is the eight factors that brought Hitler to power?
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Was hitler the main factor for the Nazi's rise to power?

Hitler was not a factor. He was the phsycopath who used all of the factors to his advantage.

Was Hitler really the cause of world war 2?

Answer Yes. Hitler's agreesive actions was what started WW2. There were a lot of factors that lead to unrest, which brought Hitler to power but he lead the country to attack the other countries in Europe. For comparison, WW1 was started by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria but was fueled by treaties between neighboring countries and local disputes between them. Answer Yes. Hitler's agreesive actions was what started WW2. There were a lot of factors that lead to unrest, which brought Hitler to power but he lead the country to attack the other countries in Europe. For comparison, WW1 was started by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria but was fueled by treaties between neighboring countries and local disputes between them.

How World War 2 started what were the factors?

A number of factors contributed to the start of WW2. - Hitler's rise to power, - Polictical, economic and other causes led to the war.

When did Hitler take power and when did he lose the power?

Hitler rose into power in 1934 and he lost power in 1945.

Was the Japanese bombing of pearl harbor a wise idea?

No, the Japanease brought the U.S. into WW 2 which led to a quicker end in Hitler's power, and the surender of the Japanease.

Who brought the Nazis to power?

They came to power when Hitler formed a political party called the Nazis, they vowed to make Germany more powerful after loosing WW1, he became more and more powerful then got carried away.

When did Hitler get in power?

He rose to power in 1934.

When did Hitler come to power in Germany what messge did Hitler spread?

Hitler came into power in 30th January 1933 but I'm not sure what message he said

Why did Adolf Hitler gain his power?

Hitler think they are the master race and there was nazis.Nazi was the main source of there power.

Did Hitler taking power or Japan invading china happen first?

Hitler took power first

Who long did it take Adolf Hitler to come to power?

it took Hitler 32 years to come to power

Hitler soon spread his destructive power to what country?

Hitler soon spread his destructive power to Poland.