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Q: What is the element found in the control rods of most nuclear reactors?
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Where is curium found on earth?

As a natural element curium exist in infinitesimal amounts in uranium ores.Artificial curium is from nuclear wastes, nuclear reactors burned fuels, nuclear weapons tests.

Form of matter found in lighting bolts nuclear reactors and stars?

form of matter found in lightning bolts, nuclear reactors, and stars?

What can be found on the moon that can be used for nuclear reactors?

There may be Radium, Thorium, Uranium or even Plutonium which can be used in nuclear reactors.

Where can nobelium be currently found?

nobelium is a radioactive element produced artificially from curium. Curium is a silvery white metallic radioactive element artificially produced from plutonium. Plutonium is a toxic radioactive metallic element used in nuclear reactors and weapons.

Where in the world can you -235 be found?

in nuclear reactors around the planet

What is the Form of matter found in lighting bolts nuclear reactors and stars?

Lightning bolts are discharges of electricity. Nuclear reactors contain mainly uranium. Stars contain light elements undergoing nuclear fusion. I don't see any common form of matter.Actually, plasma is found in all of them.

Why is plutonium found in nuclear reactors?

Plutonium is a by product of nuclear reactions of uranium in a nuclear reactor. An example of reaction is: 23892U + n-------23992U-------23993Np + e--------23994Pu + e

How is lithium found?

lithium can be found in medicine,batteries,rocks and soil,hot springs,nuclear reactors,and last but not least air conditioners

Where was neptunium found?

Neptunium is an artificial chemical element. Neptunium can be found in the nature only in ultratraces resulting from nuclear weapons experiments, radioactive wastes from nuclear reactors or from other experiments. Neptunium is found also in extremely low concentrations in uranium ores.

How it curium found?

- in laboratory, following the nuclear reaction: 239Pu + 4He → 242Cm + 1n - curium isotopes are also obtained in nuclear power reactors

Where is nuclear energy source found?

1. Nuclear energy is the result of nuclear fission of fissile nuclei as uranium-235, uranium-233, plutonium-239, etc. 2. Industrial nuclear energy has as source nuclear reactors.

Is plutonium easy to find?

In the nature uranium is found associated with uranium ores but in extremely ultratraces. Plutonium is obtained in industrial quantities, by nuclear reactions, in nuclear reactors.