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Q: What is the elevation of the highest contour line on hill w?
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What is the difference between contour lines and relief?

Contour line connect points of equal elevation on a map, whereas relief is the difference in elevation from the highest and lowest on a map.

How can you tell the highest point on a map?

Look for the spot with the highest elevation contour line and elevation numbers. Typically, the highest point on a map is where the contour lines are closest together, indicating steep terrain.

What is the highest elevation line shown on the map?

The highest elevation line shown on the map depends on what is the highest point - which is often the summit of a hill or mountain.

Why is the highest point of a hill represented by an x not a contour line?

Contour lines are spaced at a regular height above sea level - every 50 metres, for example. The highest point of a hill may be just above the highest contour line. Therefore a spot or summit height symbol may be used to mark the highest point on the map.

Is it true that every point on a contour line is at a different elevation?

No. Every point on a contour line has the same elevation.

What is the best definition of what a contour line is?

A contour line is a line defining elevation on a map.

What is every fifth contour line?

it is a contour line of elevation Control index contour, or just index contour

Every point on a contour line is at a different elevation?

Every point on a given contour line is at the same elevation. Neighboring contour lines are at different elevations.

What does a contour line indicate when it points downhill?

When a V-shaped contour line points downhill, it means that the contour line is under very low elevation. And incase your wondering about when the contour line is uphill, it means that the elevation level is very high.

What is the difference in elevation between one contour line and?

The Contour Interval.

What is labeled to indicate the elevation along a contour line?

index contour

What is contour line and its advantages?

•Contour Line: locus of points with constant elevation. •Dense information along the contour line. •Hardly any information across the contour line.