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Q: What is the emotional response to stress most strongly associated with negative health outcomes is that of?
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What is a connotation of wrath?

A connotation of "wrath" is intense anger that is often associated with a desire for revenge or punishment. It implies a strong emotional response that can lead to destructive actions.

When a response is followed by the removal of an unpleasant event?

Negative reinforcement is the term used to describe the removal of an unpleasant stimulus in response to a behavior in an effort to increase the liklihood that the behavior will be repeated. Example: a parent stops nagging when the teenager starts mowing the lawn.

What is the meaning of verbalizing emotional response?

Verbalizing emotional response is doing something that regards to your emotions. The people will know your feelings because of what you are doing.

Is concern a mood?

Concern is more of an emotion or feeling rather than a mood. It typically arises in response to specific situations or events that may have negative consequences or outcomes. Moods, on the other hand, are more general and long-lasting emotional states that can influence one's overall outlook and behavior.

What is emotional response?

An emotional response is your emotions responding to somethingExamples:When someone calls you a mean name your emotional response you feeling sad and hurt.When someone gives you a compliment you feel happy and flattered.When you see\hear\receive\give things you have an emotional response where it be good or bad.

What option will send a response to everyone associated with a message?

Whitch option will send a response to everyone associated with a message?

What is the difference between a positive and negative response in biology?

A positive response is when a response happens to a stimuli, and this response causes more of the stimuli to happen. A negative response is when a response happens because of a stimuli, and the response stops the continuation of the stimuli.

How do you define wrath?

Wrath is an intense emotional response often associated with feelings of anger, rage, or resentment. It usually involves a strong desire for vengeance or punishment towards the perceived source of the emotional distress.

What is External emotion or emotional response of a person?


What means you have an emotional response to an artwork?

aesthetics, or esthetics.

What side effects can Trager psychophysical integration therapy cause?

It is possible that some clients may have emotional reactions associated with the release of physical patterns acquired as a response to trauma, but such reactions are unusual.

How does an author use plot to control your emotional response and prepare us for reversals or surprises in A Jury of Her Peers?

The author would use subplots and predicates to control emotional response.