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Q: What is the end product of amino acids?
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End product of protein digestion?

End product of digestion of protein is amino acid

What is end product of protein?

amino acids

What are the end product of protein digestion?

it is said that amino acid is the end product of protein after digestion

The ultimate end product of protein digestion is called?

amino acids

Which of the produces amino acids as its end-product of digestion?

proteins. But the type of amino acid obviously depends on the proteins structure. Amino acids are also produced from urea metabolism

What is the end product of the digestion of protein in beef?

Amino acids are the final product of the digestion of all proteins.

What are the products of digestion of protein?

The end product of digestion of fats and proteins are water soluble substance like glucose, fatty acids, glycerol and amino acids

What are the end products of starch digestion?

the end product of proteins are amino acids and the end product of starches are simple suggars. thanks i hope i helped.

What is the end product of pepsin?

Polypeptides, along with some oligo peptides and free amino acids.

What is the end product of the digestion of protein?

Protein molecules are digested by protease enzymes into one of 20 individual amino acids.

What is the end product of proteins?

amino acids

What are the product of protein hydrolysis?

The hydrolytic process breaks down inter-amino acid bonds of the protein, so that first polypeptides, then oligopeptides, and finally the constituent amino acids result. By hydrolysis a water molecule will be split into a hydrogen atom and an -OH group and these two units take the bindings that held the amino acids togeather in the first place so that the protein molecule is decomposed. Hydrolysis means "dissolving by water", but usually also some catalyst must be present for the reaction to occur, like an acid or base. A protein is a very long chains of amino acids which also is wrapped up in specific ways to produce a shape specific for the protein molecule. A polypeptide is a long chain of amino acids, but shorter than a protein. An oligopeptide is a chain of just a few amino acids.