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the answer is the 'DRILL' related to the baboon Mandrill.

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Q: What is the endangered primate related to Old World monkeys?
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What is being human?

A human being is a type of animal, and includes you me and all other humans in the world. We are a species of primate and are closely related to chimpanzees, monkeys, apes, etc.

Is it illegal to hunt celebes crested macaque?

It is illegal to hunt any non-human primate anywhere in the world, weather that primate is endangered or not.

Do you think that apes are more closely related to old world monkeys or to new world monkeys?

Apes are more closely related to Old World Monkeys.

Are chipmunks related to monkeys?

No. Chipmunks are not marsupials, which are pouched mammals. Chipmunks are placental mammals.

What is a a monkey?

A monkey is a primate with strong grasping hands and feet, sometimes having a long prehensile tail. New World monkeys are native to South and Central America. Old World monkeys are native to Africa and Central and Southern Asia.

What is cercopithecoid?

Reference: Fleagle's Primate adaptation and evolution (second edition). Cercopithecoids are members of the primate family, Cercopithecidae. Examples include old world monkeys such as Macaques and Colobus. These members of the primate family are found in the suborder anthropoidea, infraorder catarrhini.

What Class do the monkey belongs to?

If by that you mean order than primates. Suborder of haplorrhini (anthropoids). Infraorder of platyrrhines (New world monkeys) and catarrhines (Old world monkeys and apes). And for the catarrhines the superfamily of cercopithecoidea (old world monkeys). (P.S. this is the short version.)

Is a monkey?

A monkey is a primate with strong grasping hands and feet, sometimes having a long prehensile tail. New World monkeys are native to South and Central America. Old World monkeys are native to Africa and Central and Southern Asia.

Are old world monkeys related to new world monkeys?

Well one difference would be that Old World Monkeys have more opposable thumbs than New World Monkeys (basically, it's the main difference). For more information, try clicking the related link. Hope this helped~

How did old world monkeys evolve from ancestral primates?

All living members of the primate order evolved through natural selection as a result of change of enviroment.