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Q: What is the energy barrier and how does it relate to the concept of ignition temperature?
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How is temperature related to a chemical reaction rate?

Ignition temperature is the temperature a substance needs to reach before it is combustible. Activation energy is the energy required to start a reaction occurring. Temperature is directly affected by heat. Heat is a form of energy. Therefore as you add energy to a substance it heats up. It will reach its ignition temperature and combust. The combustion is the reaction.

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What is activation barrier?

The question is this "what is an energy barrier?" My answer: First of all, activation energy is energy that is needed to start a reaction and barrier means to block so then energy barrier means to block energy.

Is activation energy for thermal and photochemical reactions same?

The definition of the activation energy is exactly the same -- the thermodynamic energy barrier that the reactant must pass over to convert to products. The difference between a thermal and a photochemical reaction is only where the reactants get the energy to get over this barrier. In a thermal reaction, that energy is given by the temperature, and is carried in excited rotational modes, higher kinetic energies and if hot enough, excited vibrational states. In a photochemical reaction, the activation energy is provided by photons, usually in the form of electronic excited states, but could also be vibrational or rotational. The concept of the activation barrier is identical in both cases.

Does the concept of temperature apply to a single molecule?

Concept of temperature in single molecules could be explain through statistical thermodynamics and measure the temperature in term of kinetic energy of the molecules. Forclassical thermodynamics, the temperature is macroscopic properties andcan't be explain or describe in the classical scope.

What does activation energy have to do with temperature?

In most cases, it is thermal energy which activates chemical reactions. In the most easily observed example, we ignite a flammable substance by heating it to its ignition temperature (in the case of paper, 451oF). The hotter something is, the more thermal energy is available to activate a reaction.

How do environmental changes affect the Great Barrier Reef?

Environmental changes, like global warming, can affect the Great Barrier Reef quite substantially. When the water temperature rises, it forces the coral to expel what they use as energy, and bleaches the coral.

What substances make up temperature?

None. Temperature is a term/concept that affects any substance and any atom. Temperature describes the kinetic energy (dependend on their speed) that the atoms your substance is made of have. Dependend on your substance you need different amount of heat energy to change the temperature. This property is called heat capacity.

How factors affect rates of physical change?

-Reactant Concentration • The greater the concentration of reactants (the more particles per unit volume), the greater will be the number of effective collisions per unit time, and therefore, the reaction rate will generally increase. • For zero order reactions, however, the reaction rate is not dependent on the concentration of reactants. Increasing the reactant concentration will have no effect on the rate. -Temperature • The reaction rate will increase as the temperature of the system increases. As the temperature increases, the reactant molecules have more energy. They thus find it easier to climb the energy barrier to the reaction (the activation energy). -Solvent • The reaction rate will increase as the temperature of the system increases. As the temperature increases, the reactant molecules have more energy. They thus find it easier to climb the energy barrier to the reaction (the activation energy).

What is another name for the activation energy barrier in a reaction?

needed energy

What is HEI ignition?

HEI stands for High Energy Ignition.

Why is the barrier of the energy of activation beneficial for organic molecules?

Energy is stored in the chemical bonds of organic molecules. The barrier of EA prevents these molecules from spontaneously breaking down and releasing that energy.