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Q: What is the energy source for apicomplexans?
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I only know three which are ciliates, dinoflagellates, and apicomplexans

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Just answered this question in Biology today! Apicomplexans

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green energy source

Is electricity a clean source of energy?

The term clean source of energy refers to only primary energy sources as wind or solar energy. Electricity, by definition, is not a primary energy source. It is a secondary energy source that is could be produced by a clean energy source as wind or any renewable primary energy source or produced by fossil energy source as oil, natural gas, or coal.

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No its not a source of energy..... geez...

Are waves a source of energy?

waves is not a source of energy

How is wood made into an energy source?

It already is an energy source.It already is an energy source.It already is an energy source.It already is an energy source.

Is solar energy non renewable energy source?

no its a renewable source of energy

What source of energy used in stove?

The source of energy in stoves is HEAT ENERGY

What is the energy source for hydrogen?

the energy source for hydrogen is semen ;)

Is a sun a source of energy?

yes a sun is a source of energy