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My guess would be ATP (short for Adenosine triphosphate) and NADPH

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Chlorophyll :')) -- Via

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adp and nadp

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Oxygen and ATP molecules.

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Q: What is the energy storage molecule produced by photosynthesis?
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What type of molecule does photosynthesis use to store energy?

Sugar molecules are used as the storage place for energy because it is a complex molecule that has energy in its many bonds. However, ATP and NADPH are used to carry the energy from the light reactions over to the Calvin cycle. They are temporary storage sites of energy.

Which high-energy molecule and electron carrier are produced by the light reaction of photosynthesis?

NADPH and ATP are produced by the light reactions. The ATP is a high energy molecule produced by photophosphorylation while the NADPH is produced at the end of the electron transport chain.

What high energy molecules are used in photosynthesis?

NADPH and ATP are produced by the light reactions. The ATP is a high energy molecule produced by photophosphorylation while the NADPH is produced at the end of the electron transport chain.

Why is glycogen a good energy storage molecule?

It is insoluble in water so it is easily stored. It is also easily produced as it is a carbohydrate.

The chemical storage molecule for energy?

bacteria? No. The chemical storage molecule for energy, in living things, is ATP, adenosine triphosphate.

What Energy is captured for photosynthesis by what molecule?


What molecule is energy captured for photosynthesis?


During photosynthesis what energy is produced by energy?

Chemical energy is produced. Light energy is used

In photosynthesis energy is produced in the?


Which molecule contains the chemical energy produced during photosynthesis?

During photosynthesis, water, carbon dioxide, and light come together in the cells to create the molecule called glucose. During cellular respiration, the glucose is broken down into 36 to 38 molecules of Adenosine Triphosphate, or ATP, which is used to provide energy to the organism.

What reaction is high energy sugars produced?

High energy sugars are produced during photosynthesis.

How organism use the energy- rich molecule in the photosynthesis?
