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Answer: ATP glucose

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Q: Energy flows through photosynthesis in the form of a molecule of?
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Related questions

How is energy transferred between the sun and consumer in an ecosystem?

Through photosynthesis. Plants will capture the solar energy, then it flows from the plants, to the animals that feed on these plants (consumers), and finally to the decomposers of animal and plant remains.

What is a sun in the food chain?


How energy flows through energy pyramid?

i dont know 20

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The rate at which light energy flows through a given area of space is referred to as its?

The rate at which light energy flows through a giver area of space is referred to as intensity

What do scientists use to describe the way energy flows through an ecosystem?

They use Biomass Pyramid to describe how energy flows to an ecosystem .

What is transfer of energy?

Is the act of witcht the energy flows through out space to the earth, and how impotant it is to our atmosphere.

How energy move through an ecosystem?

Energy flows in one direction from producer to consumer to decomposer.

When electricity flows through a light bulb it is converted into what two forms of energy?

kinetic energy and light energy.

What variables always decreases as it flows through the trophic levels?


What is electrical energy converted into when electric current flows through the metal filament of a light bulb?

Electrical energy is converted into light and heat when electric current flows through the metal filament of a light bulb.

If no current flows through a load how much energy does it receive?

none. no current means no energy.