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2w ago

The energy stored in the center of atoms is called nuclear energy. This energy is released during nuclear reactions such as fission or fusion.

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Q: What is the energy stored in the centre of atoms called?
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What energy stored in the center of atoms is called what energy?

Nuclear energy. (Centre of an atom → nucleus → nuclear)

What is the energy stored in the center of an atom?

nuclear energy

What is the form of energy stored in the bonds between atoms called?

Chemical energy (a specific form of potential energy)

What is the energy stored the bonds between atoms called?

Compound energy

What Energy stored in the bonds between atoms is called?

Compound energy

What is that energy that is stored in bonds between atoms is?

That's called chemical energy.

Why is it called chemical potenial energy?

because it is the energy stored in atoms and the bonds between them.

What is energy that is stored in bonds between atoms in a compound?

Chemical energy is the energy stored in bonds between atoms in a compound. This energy is released or absorbed during chemical reactions.

What energy is the energy that is stored in an atoms nucleus?

The energy stored in an atom's nucleus is nuclear energy. This energy is released through processes like nuclear fusion or fission, which involve manipulating the nucleus of an atom to release large amounts of energy.

What is the energy stored in chemical compounds called?

The energy stored in chemical compounds is called chemical energy. This energy is released when chemical bonds are broken during a chemical reaction.

Energy stored in the bonds between atoms is called what energy?

This is referred to as "potential energy".

The form of energy stored in the bonds between atoms is called?

Chemical energy (a specific form of potential energy)