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the stomach is a harsh environment because the acid in it can go through a wall in a school

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Q: What is the environment like inside the stomach?
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How do starfish turn their stomach inside out?

By pushing up through their mouths then the stomach opens like a mouth and gets the food.

How does mucus work?

Mucus acts like lining to catch debris in the air; in the stomach it acts like a thick coating to help the stomach keep its acidic environment normal, so the acid wont burn through the stomach

Is your stomach neutral?

The stomach is an acidic environment. This helps with the process of digestion.

What would you find inside your stomach?

Food, or what used to be food. It would look like vomit.

What do sand sharks like?

their siblings while inside their mothers stomach, and anything they can get once they're out

Where is cow pancreas located at inside cow?

Near the liver and the stomach, just like in humans.

What organ in the stomach is hollow?

The stomach is hollow. There are no individual organs inside the stomach.

Where does the baby sit inside your stomach at 3-4 weeks?

A baby NEVER sits inside your stomach

Is there any fat inside the stomach?

Yes but not all of it but some fats are good for you- Brogan Caffarelli

What sustance coats and protects the inside of the stomach?

The stomach is protected by the epithelial cells, which produce and secrete a bicarbonate-rich solution that coats the mucosa. Bicarbonate is alkaline, a base, and neutralizes the acid secreted by the parietal cells, producing water in the process. This continuous supply of bicarbonate is the main way that your stomach protects itself from autodigestion (the stomach digesting itself) and the overall acidic environment.

How many cancers are in chew tobacco?

many cancers are inside of it..... (like mouth, stomach, throat, & tongue)

What is that thing that forms inside a women stomach shaped like a ball that causes your period to stop?

. . . A baby?