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For most frogs, it assists them in getting oxygen and keeping out harmful substances. For the toads, they can store fat in their "warts," can us it for limited protection, and can keep out harmful substances.

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Q: What is the epidermis used for on an amphibean?
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What are amphibeans?

An amphibean is a ectothermic vertabrete that strives in moist enviorments. An amphibean is very sencative to pollution because they have thin skin. The word amphibean actually means "double life" because they live in both water and on land. some examples of amphibeans are frogs, salamanders, and newts.

What is the upper epidermis used for?

The Upper Epidermis is used to prevent water loss

Epidermis on outside of root just beneath?

Epidermis is on the outside of root just beneath the palisade layer of the leaves. The epidermis is common in roots and will be used to absorb nutrients.

What are the traits of an amphibean?

they r tempermental, slimy, and rude to other animals if they get to close WHATCH OUT 4 THEM

How many layer thick is the epidermis?

Answer: the epidermis of a leaf includes: upper epidermis and lower epidermis but if you are referring to the epidermis of an onion: it is only one layer

What is the outermost skin layer called?

The outermost layer of skin is the epidermis. As in the joke "Your epidermis is showing." The outermost layer of skin is the epidermis. As in the joke "Your epidermis is showing." The outermost layer of skin is the epidermis. As in the joke "Your epidermis is showing." The outermost layer of skin is the epidermis. As in the joke "Your epidermis is showing." The outermost layer of skin is the epidermis. As in the joke "Your epidermis is showing." The outermost layer of skin is the epidermis. As in the joke "Your epidermis is showing." The outermost layer of skin is the epidermis. As in the joke "Your epidermis is showing." The outermost layer of skin is the epidermis. As in the joke "Your epidermis is showing."

Why is the upper epidermis thicker than the lower epidermis?

the epidermis is thicker.

Can you touch your epidermis?

Your epidermis is your skin, so yes, it is very easy to touch your epidermis, even with another part of your epidermis.

What is the layer of skin that you can see?

Epidermis .. the layer of the epidermis you can see is called the stratum corneum.