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Carbon dioxide.

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Q: What is the equation of reaction between sodium and water?
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What is the general equation for water and sodium carbonate?

No chemical reaction between water and sodium carbonate, only solving of the sodium carbonate in water.

What is the chemical equation showing the reaction between sodium and water?

2Na + H2O -> 2NaOH+H2

What is the reaction equation between sodium sulfate and water?

They don't react sodium sulphate simply becomes ionized in water producing Na+ and SO42- ions.

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Iron doesn't react with sodium chloride but rusting is accelerated in salted water.

What is the chemical equation of this reaction Solid sodium chloride dissolves in water.?

Sodium chloride is dissociated in water: NaCl---------------------Na+ + Cl-

What is a word equation for a reaction between citric acid and sodium metal?

Sodium in water form sodium hydroxide.The chemical reaction is:C3H5O(COOH)3 + 3 NaOH = C3H5O(COONa)3 + 3 H2O

What is the correct chemical equation for the reaction between sodium metal and water to form sodium hydroxide ad hydrogen gas?

2Na + 2H20 = 2NaOH + H2

What is the balanced equation for the reaction between sodium and water to produce sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas?

2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) ---> 2NaOH (aq) + H2(g)

What is the balanced equation of reaction of sodium with water?


What is the balanced equation for the reaction of Sodium with water?


What is the product of a reaction that take place when sodium oxide combines with water?

The product is sodium hydroxide. The reaction equation is Na2O + H2O -> 2 NaOH.

What is the reaction between sodium shalphate and water?

Sodium sulfate dissolves in water to produce a solution of sodium sulfate.