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The Prime Meridian (Longitude 0 degrees) and the Equator are MAN-MADE grid lines of demarcation that simply help people know where they are any any given moment. They were originally developed to aid in navigation at sea, since road signs kept sinking. So early cartographers and map makers simply divided the globe (as they knew it, anyway) into imaginary grid lines that were a set distance apart. The distances between the lines changed depending on your reference in the other direction. In other words, the distance between the Equator and the 10 degrees north latitude is greater than the distance between the 70 degree and 80 degree north latitudes, because the latter two are much "higher" on the globe. This is hard for some people to grasp, because it's difficult to represent a round surface such as the Earth, by a flat, two-dimensional map. Just think of them as arbitrary reference lines that mark off portions of the earth for navigation.

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13y ago

Hmm....... I would say they divide to Earth West to East and North to South. =)

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13y ago

What the equator divides is the northern and southern hemisphere. The prime meridian divides the eastern and western hemisphere.

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Q: What is the equator and prime Meridian divide the earth?
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What imaginary lines divide the Earth into 4 halves?

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The equator divides the Earth into two. Each half is called a hemisphere. The equator divides Earth into northern and southern hemispheres. The prime meridian and the 180 dgrees meridian divide Earth into eastern and western hemispheres.

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The Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, London, and serves as the starting point for measuring longitude. Since it passes through Greenwich, the Prime Meridian is located in the Eastern Hemisphere.

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The earth is wider around the equator, not the prime meridian. Hope this helps you :D

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For reference.

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Prime Meridian My name is Joey the answer is Prime Meridian The answer is Prime Meridian home slice

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Both the equator and prime meridian are halfway points across the Earth. The equator splits the Earth's Northern and Southern Hemispheres horizontally (latitude). The prime meridian splits the Earth's Eastern and Western Hemispheres vertically (longitude).

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The equator - or the prime meridian.

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The Prime Meridian and the Equator