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Kun is an informal honorific suggesting the addressee is younger than the speaker. One female equivalent would be chan, although it is not used in the same ways as kun and suggests a little girl.

Younger female employees are sometimes also addressed as -kun by men of senior status.

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Q: What is the equivalent of -kun used for girls?
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What do the words kun Chan Sama and so on mean in the Naruto episodes like in Naruto-kun?

they are just prefixes at the end of names. Chan is often used for girls and childrenand kun & sama are used for someone when you talk to them informally (or something like that...)

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It's obvious when it stands -kun behind the name. Ritsuka-kun is a boy. Well, I'm going to change this answer. Just because the name is Ritsuka-kun doesn't mean it's a boy. It goes the same way for "chan," because it is used for little girls/boys aka Tadashi-chan can be a boy even though "chan" is in the name. the suffix "kun" for girls can be used when a male coworker is addressing a younger female coworker, or when a girl is a tomboy. (ex: Akira-kun) I hoped this helped. :)

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How do you say thank-you in Thai?

khob-kun ขอบคุณ.khob-kun-Ka, If you are a woman.khob-kun-Krub, If you are a man.Moreover, Khob kun is used in general for every and you can say Kob-jai too. It has the same meaning with Khob-kun but can be used with the younger or friends, not suits to use with the elder.It's something like "kop chai"

What are the differences between san Chan and kun?

All of the surtitles are used for addressing different people and genders. -San is used for our equals or superiors, both female and male. EX: peers, non close friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc. -Chan is often used exclusively for young girls or children (babies). It is used among very close friends to add endearment to their names. It also makes their name "cuter" so it is often added to the end of children's' (girls) names. -Kun is used exclusively for young boys. It is used as -san is used for adult men and women. However, boys are only addressed as "-kun" until their early 20's, or sooner, and then people will begin to call them "-san."

What are the Japanese titles ex like -Kun -San?

The Japanese titles "-kun" and "-san" are used to address others respectfully. "-kun" is commonly used for boys or younger males, while "-san" is a general title of respect for both males and females.

What is the meaning of kun faya kun?

I want to know meaning of kun faya kun

In Japanese manga what do the suffixs -san an -kun mean?

-San is mostly at the end of girls names or at the end of animals or little boys names, something like that. Example; Kiari-san (Girl) Naa-san (Animal)-Kun is mostly at the end of boys names. Example; Seji-kun (Boy)

What does -kun at the end of a name mean in Japanese?

"Kun" is a diminuitive. That is, it asserts a degree of familiarity, or in other cases, social superiority. A teacher may refer to his students, or a boss to those who work under him, with "kun." Likewise, it may be used among friends. It is not only used for males, just as 'chan' is not only used for females. Kun is not something you would attach to the name of your social superiors.

What does kun mean?

"Kun" is a Japanese honorific used in informal situations to address someone of equal or lower social status. It is typically used for males and can also show familiarity or endearment.

What does -Chan and -kun mean?

If you look at other questions i answered what -Chan means but -kun is used to show endearment towards boys. Otherwise it's used to show the person using it knows them well.

What does kun mean as in kun aguero?
