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It is about the salvation that is available to all people achieved through God sending His son Jesus to earth to live and teach among ordinary people and be put to death on the cross bearing the punishment that we deserve. Notably, Jesus' resurrection is a key message since it shows His message and suffering to not have been in vain but proof of its validity.

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Q: What is the essential message of the New Testament all about?
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The New Testament is about Jesus, his teachings and the early Christian communities.

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The new testament has a total of 27 books in all.

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The New Testament and Old Testament. The Old Testament contains Jewish/Christian material, and the New Testament is all about Jesus.

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In the old testament which has both the major and minor prophets, but in the new testament John the baptist is a prophet.

Was the New Testament part of the orginial part of the bible or was added later?

The New Testament books were all written after Christ's resurrection. It is a separate testament from the Old Testament. We can see looking back all the many hints given in the Old Testament of a new and better testament to come, but hind sight is 20 20, as it was in large part hidden from the people living in the time of the Old Testament. All of the books of the Old Testament were written 400 years before Christ and earlier. The New Testament, as the Old Testament are both completely inspired by God.

What is bigger - the New Testament or the old testament?

There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament (a total of 66 books in the Bible). There are 23,145 verses (KJV) in the Old Testament and 7,957 verses (KJV) in the New Testament. If all verses were equal, that would put the Old Testament at 74.4% and the New Testament at 25.6% of the entire Bible.

What is the living transmission of the church's gospel message?

Christians believe that all teachings in the Church have to tested against the Bible, particularly the New Testament. This is a reasonable proposition, since the New Testament was almost entirely written within one generation of Jesus' life, and that of his disciples. The authors of the New Testament books were in the best place to know what Jesus and his disciples taught. However, Jesus promised to send his followers the Comforter, who would guide them into all truth. Here the Comforter is understood mean the Holy Spirit, also mentioned in the New Testament. While "the living transmission of the Church's gospel message" could mean whatever you might want it to mean, in the light of the foregoing I would understand it to mean the gospel message as found in the New Testament as illuminated for today by the Holy Spirit working in the hearts and minds of Jesus' followers, whether rich or poor, high or low, important or insignificant by the world's standards.