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Q: What is the essential organelle that plant and algae cells possess that other eukaryotes do not that allows them to perform photosynthesis?
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Which type of leaf cell contains the most chlorophyll?

chloroplast a subcecullar organelle that contains chlorophyll and enzymes necessary to perform photosynthesis. i hope this helps :)chloroplast a subcecullar organelle that contains chlorophyll and enzymes necessary to perform photosynthesis. i hope this helps :)

What is essential for a plant's growth?

Everything that is essential for it to perform photosynthesis: sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water, as well as nutrients that it absorbs from the soil.

How does photosynthesis occur in prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotes do not perform photosynthesis. They are organisms that lack a cell nucleus, they don't even have chloroplast, to perform it. Plants, which are eukaryotes, photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast.

What organelle allows plants to photosynthesize?

The chloroplasts, which contain the green pigment, chlorophyll, which uses light to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose.

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Which microorganism has the ability to perform photosynthesis?

ability to perform photosynthesis

Does the mitochondrion perform photosynthesis?

No. Photosynthesis occurs in cell organelles termed as the chloroplasts. Mitochondria is the cell organelle where energy is produced by oxidation of molecules such as sugars produced during photosynthesis. Cellular respiration occurs in mitochondrion.

Do earthworms perform photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

They perform cellular respiration but not photosynthesis.

What nonmetals in the atmosphere and their combinations are essential to life on earth?

Oxygen, nitrogen, and yes, even carbon dioxide are essential to life on Earth (plants require carbon dioxide, in order to perform photosynthesis).

Where does photosynthesis happen at?

Photosynthesis happens, most of the time, in the organelle called the chloroplast. However, there are organisms that have other types of plastids that can also carry out photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis on their plasma membranes. Essentially, photosynthesis can happen in a variety of locations. All it needs is some membrane materials to make a chemiosmotic gradient as well as the proteins to catalyze the reactions.

How does a plant cell specialized for photosynthesis at the molecular level?

n plants and algae, which developed much later, photosynthesis occurs in a specialized intracellular organelle—the chloroplast. Chloroplasts perform photosynthesis during the daylight hours. The immediate products of photosynthesis, NADPH and ATP, are used by the photosynthetic cells to produce many organic molecules.