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Q: What is the establishment of distant settlements controlled by a country?
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The establishment of distant settlements contrlled by a country is called?

colonialization. i think

What is An area of land controlled by another usually distant country?

A territory or colony is an area of land controlled by another usually distant country. The ruling country has governing authority over the territory and its inhabitants.

What is the best definition for colony?

A colony is a territory controlled and occupied by a group of people from another country. These individuals establish settlements in the new territory, often exploiting its resources for economic gain.

What best definition of colony?

A colony is a group of organisms of the same species living closely together. It can also refer to a territory controlled and settled by a group of people from a distant land.

What is the name of a settlement ruled by a distant country?

A settlement ruled by a distant country is often referred to as a colony.

Does a colony rule itself?

No. A colony is explicitly a territory controlled by a distant power and that lacks sufficient autonomy.

What is the definition for colony?

it is a formation whereby family units always move

What is the country known for its distant runners?

ethiopia, kenya, us

What is the french lointaine?

lointaine(adj)(dans l'espace)faraway, distantun pays lointain a distant country(dans le futur, passé) distant[cause] indirect[parent] distant

What country is the leading producer of corn?

The USA, by far. China is a distant second.

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Why did ataturk choose ankara as capital?

Ataturk chose Ankara as capital of Turkey because the city represented culture and civilization. It was also physically distant from the clerical establishment in Istanbul.