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Etymology is leader of the people

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Q: What is the estymology of kingship?
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Rome was ruled by a kingship until the 6th century bc when it became a what?

Rome became a republic after the kings were ousted.

Who did Octavian become?

Octavian, as Caesar's heir, called himself Caesar, became a Triumvir with Marc Antony and Lepidus - they split the empire amongst themselves, Antony taking the east, Lepidus palmed off with North Africa, and Octavian the west. Civil war ensued, and after he had defeated Antony at Actium, Octavian set himself up as First Citizen and kept control of the army and frontier provinces so that no challenger could bring on more civil war. Looking for a title, and determined to avoid the label of kingship which had brought the knives out against Julius, called himself Augustus.

How old was agustus when he became emperor?

There was no such title. He called himself Princeps - first citizen, which he adopted in 27 BCE until his death. # He kept control by getting the lifetime powers of a tribune of the plebs (which gave veto of legislation, ability to intoduce legislation in the Senate, and personal immunity in Rome). # He got himself imperium outside Rome which gave him authority and immunity. He had himself allocated the border provinces (which gave him command of the legions because that is where they were). The last thing he wanted was anything which smacked of kingship, which was red rag to a bull to republicans and had cost his adoptive father Caesar his life. It had to be camouflaged with indirect ways of pulling the strings. The word Emperor derives from the title of Imperator, which was given to a general by acclaim of the solders on a successful battlefield. This was an honorific, and had nothing to do with ruling. The Princeps who followed Rome kept power by following Augustus' manipulations. This deteriorated by the end of the 2nd Century CE, and despotic ruling began to take over. The earlier period is known as the Principate; thereafter we have invented the word Emperor to describe the later period of absolute rulers. Just to confuse things further, Rome had had a growing empire for a couple of hundred years prior to all this. It's just that the word Emperor didn't exist, and the leadership was taken by first the Consuls, then warring generals in coalition as Triumvirs (Caesar got himself Dictator for Life, which, looking like the no-no of kingship, sponsored his termination), and then the Augustan settlement after the civil wars, by the Princeps.

What was a black man called in medieval times?

A Moor. Africa at the time was Moor. The Moors came into Africa soon after capturing part of Spain and they crossed at Gladiator, so every black man who made his way into Europe was called at Moor. Not many did. 'Gladiator'? Do you mean 'Gibraltar'? 'Gladiator' is not a place, it's a Roman fighter. Surely the Moors were in Africa before capturing part of Spain? The Moor refers to a certain type of Black, with classical African facial traits as: a black complexion, frizzled hear, a flat face, a broad nose, thick and prognastic lips, and high cheeckbones. This type also symbolised pure blood. Othello The Moor is a symbol, and a person. As a symbol of nobility, he is blame less. His demerits are personal. He is the highest ranking person in the play, and the remarks we today see as racist, are really mild criticism of the nobility and kingship by the regent class, the affluent citizens who engaged in trade. Because of descriptions we know there were many Blacks in Europe, they were the first Europeans, but not all conformed to the type of the Moor, as they might have been Asian or fair skinned Africans, or mixed with whites. sill they considered themselves as Blacks.

What does Augustus Caesar mean?

Augustus was a title, bestowed on Octavian by the Roman senate. It has no direct translation to our language, but connoted "The Great One", "The Esteemed One", "The Honored One". It is usually given as "The Venerable One". Octavian, after Julius Caesar was assassinated for making himself dictator for life, knew to stay away from anything to do with kingship or permanent rule, and took the innocuous title of princeps (First Citizen) . The senate bestowed the honorary title of Augustus on him, which had religious, rather than political connotations. Octavian was the adoptive son and main heir of Gaius (first name) Julius (family name) Caesar, agnomen. Thus, he was a member of the Julian family (gens Julia). Caesar was the agnomen (nickname) of this branch of the Julian family. It was common to give nicknames to men. Caesar meant 'hairy' or fine head of hair. In fact, it was a joke nickname - the Romans did have a sense of humour. This the first man of this family branch was noted for his baldness , so his agnomen was the opposite of what he actually was, rather like today calling someone who is fat 'Slim', or someone with red hair Bluey. This then became the name of this branch of the Julian family.

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That's a tough one, i know that there is two types of kingship and that is: 1. kingship by example and 2. Political kingship, they expect people to do what they tell them. OR there were 4 types of kingship in Southeast Asia known as the Buddhist kings, Javanese kings, Islamic sultans, and Vietnamese emperors.

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