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What is the ethos in this letterBermingham jail by dr matin luter

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Q: What is the ethos in this letterBermingham jail by dr matin luter king?
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Example of ethos?

Ethos is the fundamental values or character of a person, culture, city, movement, etc. The ethos of Ghandhi and his followers included passive resistance.Pointing out your source of knowledge before giving advice on a subject is an example of ethos. An example is saying, as a nurse, I am qualified to tell you that the regimen suggested by the doctor is the best remedy for your ailment.

Journal Question How does Socrates use ethos pathos and logos in his argument?

Socrates creates an argument with Crito referring to what the people (who put him in jail) has told him about not being equally powerful and he cant destroy something that helped create him. He uses ethos, logos, and pathos in the forms of questions to create persuasiveness and helps persuade Crito into thinking like him.

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It shows ethos, because Anthony says she was willing to risk going to jail.

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By showing that he is willing to go to jail for his beliefs. apex

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Jail Director Jail Chief Superintendent Jail Senior Superintendent Jail Superintendent Jail Chief Inspector Jail Senior Inspector Jail Inspector Jail Officer IV Jail Officer III Jail Officer II Jail Officer I Jail Officer III Jail Officer II Jail Officer I

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no his not in jail

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Nasiks Jail is located further down Jail rd. It is the largest jail in Maharashtra.

What happens if you report my husband to the police for hitting you?

The arrest him, put him in jail, make him pay child support in jail, weekly visits for the kids to see him in jail, you get tired of letting the kids see him in jail, move on while he is in jail, you miss him alot while he is in jail, get remarried but then divorce because the guys a meanie while your husband is in jail, then he has porole from jail, you realize your the only one for him while hes in jail, he gets out on good behavior from jail, you and him live happily ever after from his one to two year sentance from jail...JAIL