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Q: What is the evaparition rate of water in a controlled and non controlled environment of salt water and fresh?
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Which environment has the greater concentration of dissolved oxygen salt water or fresh water?

fresh water

Is the ocean a fresh water or saltwater environment?

Salt water

Why do animals live either in a salt water environment or fresh water environment?

Some can live in both.

What environment do amphibians lay their eggs?

In fresh water.

What is the difference in salinity between salt water and fresh water environment?

To be blunt, salt water has a lot more salinity than fresh water.

Is a puddle freshwater or saltwater?

A puddle can be either fresh water or salt water, depending upon the source of the water. Generally, in an environment other than one very near the sea, a puddle would be expected to be fresh water.

Where is a horses environment?

In a field where it is full of grass and trees with fresh air/water.

What are the interaction of human to their environment in Hawaii?

Hawaii has very clear,clean,and fresh water

What type of environment can roundworms be found at?

moist environments- sea, fresh water, soil

Why do penguins live in salt water?

any fresh water in their environment would be frozen.

What do know about Prevention and Conservation of an environment?

Conservation of the environment is essential for the Earth's existence. It saves our natural resources, reduces pollution and landfills. For instance, fresh water levels in many parts of the world have dropped alarmingly. Water shortage is a growing problem. If there is no water on Earth, there will be no life, no environment. So, it is very important that we conserve fresh water (Check out the link below for some simple tips on how to save fresh water at home.) By saving water we would be saving the lives of plants, animals and mankind. That's how conservation would be benefiting the environment too!

When people practice conservation how do they affect the environment?

Conservation of the environment is essential for the Earth's existence. It saves our natural resources, reduces pollution and landfills. For instance, fresh water levels in many parts of the world have dropped alarmingly. Water shortage is a growing problem. If there is no water on Earth, there will be no life, no environment. So, it is very important that we conserve fresh water (Check out the link below for some simple tips on how to save fresh water at home.) By saving water we would be saving the lives of plants, animals and mankind. That's how when people practice conservation they benefit the environment!