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Kepler discovered the 3 laws of planetary motion from Tycho Brahe's observations and measurements of the planets' positions. The evidence for the correctness of the theory lies in making predictions of the planets' future positions and then doing further measurements when the time comes, to see if the positions match the predictions.

For Kepler's laws these tests were done and it was found that the laws were in fact correct.

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Q: What is the evidence for Kepler's universe theory?
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What is the evidence of Keplers theory?

because kepler was smart

What is the evidence of Kepler's universe theory?

because kepler was smart

What are the theory's about the universe?

Well I do now one theory about the universe. It's the big bang theory. The big bang theory is a theory about how the universe was created.Scientist think that a big explosion created the universe.Scientist found lots of evidence that the big bang theory was true.

How does expanding universe provide evidence for big bang theory?

It is not so much that the universe is expanding, but rather the rationalization for its expansion that provides evidence to support the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang supports interpreted observational evidence of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) barrier that there is an evolutionary expansion of the universe which promotes a finite age for the universe.

What evidence supports the pulsating universe theory?

the pulsating universe theory is when the universe expands (the big bang) then contracts (the big crunch) and so on (it's pulsating). according to this theory right now the universe is expanding, but then it will contract

The big bang theory of the formation and expansion of the universe is supported by?

Evidence. See related question.

What word supports the theory that the universe is expanding?

Theories explain evidence. There is considerable evidence our universe is expanding. The primary evidence is the red shift of the light from distant galaxies. The further a galaxy is from our local group, the more the light is shifted towards the infrared end of the spectrum. The theory of General Relativity also predicts our universe should be expanding.

What does the big bang theory have to do with the universes expansion?

It is not so much that the universe is expanding, but rather the rationalization for its expansion that provides evidence to support the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang supports interpreted observational evidence of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) barrier that there is an evolutionary expansion of the universe which promotes a finite age for the universe.

What was the date of Keplers theory?

April 27, 4977 B.C. That was when he once calculated that the universe began. Or, you may mean when he published his Laws of Planetary Motion. He published his first 2 laws in 1609 and his 3rd law around 1619.

Which theory about the universes size best matches the experimental evidence found by astronomers and physicists?

The universe is consistantly expanding

Why was the big bang theory taken forward?

The Big Bang Theory and the revised Steady State Theory are similar in that they are both in compliance with the Cosmological Principle, which states that the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic in Space and Time, and the concept of an expanding universe. The Big Bang Theory and the revised Steady State Theory are different by virtue of their proposed models. The Big Bang supports interpreted observational evidence for an evolutionary expansion of the universe and rationalization for a finite age of the universe. The revised Steady State Theory promotes that new matter and energy are continuously created as the universe expands and the rationalization for an ageless universe.

What is the current theory of the start of the universe?

The leading scientific theory regarding the start of the universe is a cosmological model called the "Big Bang", which asserts the universe started out compressed, very hot and dense, that visible matter in its current form was consequent to an outward explosion. Evidence to support the theory includes the currently observable expansion of the universe, and a residual background radiation apparent in all directions.