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In short, we share close genetic relationship with the great apes of Africa, the oldest human skeletons have been found in Africa, and the oldest evidences of human culture, such as poison arrows for hunting, have been found in Africa.

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Q: What is the evidence that shows that the first humans came from Africa?
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The fossil evidence clearly shows that man's ancestors evolved in Africa and that man first appeared in africa, spreading across the world from there (as supported by contemporary genetic studies). Thus Africa is the original home (the cradle) of humankind.

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The Out of Africa theory suggests that Homo erectus evolved into modern humans in Africa and then migrated to populate the rest of the world. This theory is supported by genetic and fossil evidence that shows a single African origin for modern Homo sapiens.

Where did chimpanzees live thousands of years ago?

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To date, fossil evidence shows that humans existed in the Western Hemisphere as far back as 10,000 BC BCE. There is also evidence of tools that also match the fossil remains.

What kind of evidence shows that chimpanzees are the closest living relatives of humans?

Genetic evidence, specifically DNA analysis, has shown that chimpanzees share approximately 98% of their DNA with humans, making them our closest living relatives. Additionally, similarities in behavior, social structures, and anatomy between humans and chimpanzees further support this close evolutionary relationship.

When do Jews believe humans were made?

Jews believe, like Christians, that humans were created by God on the 'Sixth Day' of Creation. Estimates place Creation at a little over 6000 years ago. However, this is widely contested, as evidence shows that humans existed before this time. Furthermore, other evidence shows that humans were not created, but evolved from Simians. Other evidence shows that the Earth is not the centre of the universe, contesting the idea that God made us special. Even still, the age of the Earth is estimated at 5.5 billion years, not 6000. Then consider that the universe is estimated at 14 billion years old, again a little beyond the 6000 estimate. Therefore, the fact that humans were made at all is hugely contested. Jews may accept these 'facts', but many will still choose to believe that humans were created a little over 6000 years ago by God.

What evidence shows that modern humans moved from Africa across Asia into Europe and finally into Australia and the Americas between 100000 and 35000 years ago?

Genetic studies have shown that modern humans share a common African ancestry and have traced human migration patterns through DNA analysis. Archaeological evidence, such as tool discoveries and cave paintings, also supports the theory of human migration out of Africa. Additionally, fossils of early human remains found in different continents provide physical evidence of human movement across Asia into Europe and into other regions.