

What is the evidence used to do if a trial has no jury?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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If your trial has no jury, then you or your counsel has chosen a "bench trial" whereby the judge will hear the case and render a decision. The evidence is used exactly as if a jury is present, only it, and the entire case, will be presented to the judge instead.

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Q: What is the evidence used to do if a trial has no jury?
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A Petit Jury.

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A normal (petit) jury hears evidence of a case after the arrest and arraignment of the accused.A grand jury hears evidence before the case is filed and may issue indictments based on the evidence presented by the prosecutor alone.Additionally. . .A petit jury merely listens to testimony presented as well as instructions of the judge. It then renders decisions based on the evidence and judge's instructions. Besides criminal cases, it also hears civil cases.A grand jury gets to ask questions of witnesses and can actually start their own investigations into matters not even presented by the prosecutor. (Prosecutors normally attempt to take charge of the jury but it is actually the jury who is in charge.) After hearing the evidence it either bills (indicts), no bills (does not indict), or passes (takes no action), not by a unanimous vote as in criminal cases but by 9 out of 12 as in civil cases. (An indictment merely means the jury believes there is sufficient evidence to hold the subject over for trial.) Grand juries are fun and very interesting to be on, petit juries usually not so.

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A true bill.

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