

What is the exact verb for walking clumsily?

Updated: 3/13/2020
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10y ago

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to waddle

to lumber

to lollop

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Q: What is the exact verb for walking clumsily?
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What is an exact verb for walking?

The verb is "ambulation"

What are the comparative and superlative forms of clumsily?

more clumsily, most clumsily

Is lumbering a verb?

Yes, "lumbering" is a verb. It is the present participle form of the verb "lumber," which means to move in a slow, heavy, and awkward way, often associated with a person or animal moving clumsily.

Where is the verb in the following sentence Joe is walking down the aisle?

The verb is walking.

In the sentence Sid was walking on the beach What is the verb?

The verb is "was walking". It's the past progressive.

Is clumsily an adverb?

Yes, because it describes an action.For example: She clumsily lost her footing and fell. (Clumsily describes lost, which an action here)

How do use the word clumsily in a sentence?

I walk clumsily in high heels.

Is clumsily a noun?

No, "clumsily" is not a noun. It is an adverb that describes how an action is performed, typically in a clumsy or awkward manner.

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Clumsily mended means badly repaired

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