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Q: What is the example of tradition and culture?
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What is the difference between culture and tradition?

Culture is what your people or nation is about or what your people do. tradition is what you do. An example for this is Christmas, or maybe if your Jewish a tradition for you might be Rosh Hashana. Tradition is a practice passed down from generation to generation. For example, your family might have a tradition of baking a gingerbread house every Christmas, or going to the beach every summer. Culture is the art, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc. particular to a certain area. China's culture is separate from Japan's. England's culture is different than America's. Different ethnic and age groups may also have different cultures.

When a person communicates the history or literature of a culture without written language this is an example of a work in?

oral tradition

When a person communicates the history or literature of a culture without written language this is an example of a work in an?

oral tradition

When a person communicates the history or literature of a culture without written language this is an example of a work in a n?

oral tradition

What is the possessive form of Egyptians?

The possessive form of "Egyptians" is "Egyptians'." For example, "The Egyptians' culture is rich in history and tradition."

When a person communicates the history or literature of a culture without written language this is an example of a work in a(n) .?

Answer this question… oral tradition

How do you answer what is your culture?

Say your religion and tradition. You should say this because aa culture is a kind of special tradition and kind.

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it culture is roman cathlic and iberian culture

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There is no tradition of Hebrew theatre in Hebrew Culture. Jews of Europe had a tradition of Yiddish theatre, but Yiddish is completely unrelated to Hebrew.There is no tradition of Hebrew theatre in Hebrew Culture. Jews of Europe had a tradition of Yiddish theatre, but Yiddish is completely unrelated to Hebrew.

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