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A yellow-amber that tends to be a light green around the pupil

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12y ago

No, its mostly the white Siberian tigers that have blue eyes.

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Q: What is the eye color of Siberian tigers?
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What are the Siberian tigers senses?

Tigers have keen earing and excellent eye sight.

Do tigers change color in the winter?

No. Siberian tigers, as with all tiger subspecies, do not change coat color.

What are the Siberian tiger inherits?

fur color, eye color,

What kingd of tigers are the white ones?

The original white tigers were color morphs of the Bengal, but through cross breeding with Siberian tigers, some are now Siberian/Bengal crosses.

Who are the white tigers mutual with?

Siberian tigers Siberian tigers

What is the relationship of a white Siberian tiger?

Siberian tigers are the top predator in their environment, and, as such, every animal in the ecosystem is affected by them. And, there are no white Siberian tigers. This rare color morph is confined to the Bengal tiger subspecies.

What animals do Siberian tigers get along with?

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Are Siberian tigers herbivores or carnivores?

Siberian tigers are carnivores.

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Amur Tigers and Siberian Tigers are the the same species of tiger. Amur is just another name for Siberian.

What is a Siberian White Tigers size?

White tigers are not Siberians, but rare color variation of the Bengal tiger. Big Siberian males can be over eleven feet long and weigh 650 pounds.

What is the Siberian tigers habitat?

The Siberian Tigers habitat is the Tundra.

Why is white tigers and bengal tigers are friends?

The white tiger is, at least originally, a Bengal tiger color morph. White tigers occur very rarely in Bengal tiger litters, and are sometimes bred with Siberian tigers to make white Bengal/Siberian hybrids.