

What is the family for cattle?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Cattle belong to the family Bovidae.

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Q: What is the family for cattle?
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What family does Charolais cattle belong to?

The same family that cattle of any other breed belongs to: Bovidae.

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What word is to guide or a male member of the cattle family?

The word that means to guide and can also be used to refer to a male member of the cattle family is "steer."

Which is a close relative to a yak?

They are members of the Cattle family

Where are beef cattle produced?

They are raised on either family farms or feedlots.

Which family does a gnu belong?

A gnu belongs to the Bovidae family, which includes antelopes, buffalo, and cattle.

Which member of the cattle family is seen at a high altitude?

An Ibex

Why do some male cattle have antlers?

No cattle have antlers. They have horns. You could be thinking of moose or elk, which are part of the deer family and have antlers.

Is the buffalo related to the yak?

The relationship is that they are both members of the Cattle family

To what kingdom phylum class order family genus and species do bovine beef cattle belong?

Bovinae cattle belong to the order of artiodactyl and the Kingdome of Animalia. The phylum for them is chordata, the class is Mammalia, and the family is bovidae.

What is classified in the same family as a giraffe?

The giraffe is related to deer, cattle and okapi.

Why did they raise cattle on ranches?

Ranches were and are the only places that a person can raise a large number of beef cattle on for income. One cannot raise cattle in cities or towns unless it's for a family and their need for milk.