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The easiest way to cure nail fungus is to buy over the counter medicine from a store. You can also look on the internet for home remedies that will allow for a more natural healing.

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Q: What is the fastest treatment for nail fungus?
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hey there are some good products which can cure ur atheletes foot they are "zetaclear nail fungus treatment" or "claripro nail fungus treatment"

How rigorous is nail fungus treatment?

Nail fungus treatment does not have to be rigorous or even painful. You can either be treated for nail fungus by oral medication, a special polish to get rid of the fungus, other topical medications, or only in extreme cases by surgery. Oral medications are the most common treatments for nail fungus. However, depending on the severity of the fungus you may be eligible for surgery, which removes the nail completely allowing it to grow back new.

Why do nail ridges turn black?

This may be due to the reason that your toe nail is at the verge of getting affected by the fungus and hence you will have to undergo natural toe nail fungus treatment.

How do you prevent nails getting yellow?

Don't Smoke You can use toe nail fungus treatments OR natural toe nail fungus treatment OR Nail Fungus Cures OR Cure For Yellow Nails OR Natural Cure For Athletes Foot. Little help by visiting this website:

How much does laser nail fungus treatment cost?

One place I contacted for $500 per foot.

What are the different ways to treat toe nail fungus to completely get rid of the pain?

Long term treatment (meaning 3-4 months) with oral medications is best for those people that are at risk of complications because of their toe nail fungus. There are also topical medications, home remedies and alternative medications that can also help treat toe nail fungus.

What works better for toenail fungus Vicks vapor rub or Dr G's nail clear?

You should ask your doctor, because to cure nail fungus is very depend on how bad the infection is. Now, research has proven that Vicks VapoRub can cure nail fungus. In fact, most patients were satisfied with treatment using Vicks VapoRub.

Can ebson salt help toe nail fungus?

Epsom salt soaks are a natural alternative for toenail fungus treatment. It will take persistence, but people have reported good results. It is an easy and inexpensive toenail fungus treatment method. For more details and soak directions:

Does he have a nail fungus condition?

Take care of your nail fungus! It will infect other fingers if you continue to allow it to live! Fungus can take months to get rid of, yet there are many home remedies for nail fungus which do work. You can use vicks, listerine, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar to name a few. It can also very easily spread to other toenails or fingernails. Once fungus has cleared up, continue to use your choses fungus remedy to make sure it does not return.

What cures toe nail fungus?

There various treatments for nail fungus, like topical treatment, oral Treatment etc. Laser Treatment is by far the most effective and safe way to cure nail fungus. It's painless, usually takes around 30 minutes. Oral medicines can have side effects such as kidney and liver damage. It usually takes around 2 or 3 months for Oral medicines to treat toenail fungus, but the successful rate is less than 50%. These medicines usually cost a lot, ranging from $250 -- $1500 depends on the frequency, dosage, and length of time you'll need to take them.

What nail polish color dries the fastest?

Black nail polish dries the fastest

Will Nizoral ketoconazole cream cure nail fungus?

Over the counter topical formulations of Clotrimazole are generally ineffective for clearing nail fungus.The dosage is too low in these formulations and Clotrimazole has a biological halflife shorter than other antifungal drugs used in prescription dosages that are effective on nail fungus.