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Q: What is the fastest wind gust in state of Michigan?
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The fastest wind ever recorder was on mount wsatington in US How fast was it?

This wind gust was to 231 mph. However, it no-longer holds the record. THe title for the fastest surface-level wind gust was recorded on Darwin Island of the coast of Australia during Cyclone Olivia in 1996. The gust was measured to 253 mph. However, if we go outside official wind speeds, the record belongs to the F5 tornado that astruck the Oklahoma City area. Doppler radar there measured a wind gust to 302 mph at a point about 100 feet off the ground.

What is a blast of wind called?

A blast is a violent gust, such as a gust of wind, an explosion, a loud, sudden sound, or an immature or undifferentiated cell.

What is the collective noun for wind?

There is no standard collective noun for wind. Nouns for winds are usually for a type of wind rather than a group of wind, for example a gust of wind or a gale of wind.

What does gust mean?

A sudden stronger blast of wind.

What is the difference between a breeze and gust of wind?

that a gust is strong and a breeze is a light wind.

What is a sudden violent gust of wind?

A gustnado is a cyclonic ciculation that could cause severe thunderstorms.

The fastest wind ever recoded not including tornadoes?

The fastest wind speed ever recorded outside a tornado was a gust to 253 mph in Cyclone Olivia as it struck Barrow Island off the coast of Australia on April 10, 1996.

What is a blast of wind called which is 4 letters long?


Is gust an adjective?

No. A gust (of wind) is a noun, and there is a verb to gust. But the adjective form is gusty.

How fast has the wind ever been?

The fastest wind ever recorded on Earth was a gust to 302 mph in the F5 tornado that struck the Oklahoma city area on May 3, 1999 recorded by Doppler radar.

Is the phrase a strong gust of wind roared is it an a alliteration?

Yes, "a strong gust of wind roared" is an example of alliteration because the words "strong" and "gust" both start with the same "g" sound.

How many words mean gust of wind?

there is hurricane, gust, gale, cyclone and all like that