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Q: What is the fear of shoulders being touched called?
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What is the fear of hugs called?

None as such, it could be Pnigophobia [ fear of being smothered, or Aphenphosmphobia [ fear of being touched ].

You hate touching stuff touched by others what is that called?

It really depends on why the person is afraid of stuff being touched by others. Here are some that I found. Mysophobia is the fear of touching things because you are afraid of getting dirty or germs from the object. Bacillophobia is the fear of bacteria. Haptephobia is the fear of being touched. Nosophobia is the fear of contracting a disease.

What phobia is the fear of having your armpits touched?

that would come under Aphenphosmphobia - the fear of being touched

What is haptephobia?

abnormal fear of being touched

What does haptephobia mean?

fear of being touched

What is a 'Haphephobic' afraid of?

Fear of being touched

What is it called to have a fear of fish touching your legs?

fishtouchedmylegaphobia The fear of fish in general is Ichtyophobia, the fear of being touched is Aphenphosmphobia - sometimes called Haphephobia. A combination of the two concepts would result in Ichthyaphenphosmphobia or Ichthyhaphephobian == ==

What does the word ' haphephobia' mean?

Haphephobia - fear of being touched

What does it mean when a boy askes you are you touchafobic?

That isn't a word, you should tell him. He means you have a fear of touching.It's called: Aphenphosmphobia - fear of being touched/touching (Haphephobia: also called aphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia haptephobia, haptophobia, thixophobia)

What is the word for the fear of being touched by a bug chicken bug?

you have to go to hospital amidiantly?

What do you call the fear of touching food?

Food or eating- Sitophobia or Sitiophobia. Food- Cibophobia Touched, being touched- Aphenphosmphobia, Haphephobia or Haptephobia or Chiraptophobia Fear of food touching would be: Brumotactillophobia

How common is fear of being touched?

The phobia (fear) of being touched by men is 'androphobia.' Fear on men can be caused from a trauma stemming anywhere from an individual's childhood to a few years back. It causes a great deal of stress for the sufferer and they should seek psychological counseling to get to the root of the problem.