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Q: What is the figurative language that spells the same thing backward?
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What Is a type of figurative language where one thing replaces something that is related to it?

This type of figurative language is called metonymy. This is when one thing replaces another that is closely related to it.

What is a figure of speech in which things are compared by stating that one thing is another?

Figurative language(OW)

What is language based on some kind of comparison that is not literally true?

Metaphor - language that refers to one thing by mentioning another, unrelated thing, as a way to create a vivid image or convey a particular meaning.

Why is there more figurative language in narrative writing than expository?

Exposition is used in writing to explain or define in literal terms a certain thing or the background information of a particular situation, and figurative language is used with literary tools like metaphor and simile to allow the reader to connect to the story emotionally by provoking the readers own experiences with similar things. Exposition provides the structure for the creative figurative language.

Tell you all the real spells?

There are no real spells as there is no such thing as magic.

What kind of figurative language food without salt is like eating cardboard?

A 'like' comparison where you compare one thing, to a different type of another thing, is called a simile.

What types of figurative language do poets use to get a reader to make a comparison?

Poets use various types of figurative language to draw comparisons, such as metaphors, similes, personification, and analogies. These devices help create vivid imagery and evoke emotions in the reader by likening one thing to another in a creative way.

Why is it you take the h off of earth and put in front it spells heart?

No real reason. If you put an H on both sides it spells hearth too. They don't seem to have the same word origin, but it is a cool language thing that helps in Scrabble. :)

Is there a alliteration in Paul Revere's ride?

A metaphor is a type of figurative language that compares one thing to another without using the words "like" or "as.

What is the difference between figurative language and literal language?

figure of speech: is a rhetorical device that achieves a special effect by using words in distinctive ways. Figurative language is a word or phrase that departs from everyday literal language for the sake of comparison, emphasis, clarity, or freshness. These two literary terms are the same thing. They're synonyms.

Can prose writers use figurative language?

Yes, prose writers can use figurative language such as metaphors, similes, and personification to enhance their writing by adding depth, imagery, and emotion to their descriptions and storytelling. Figurative language can help create a more vivid and engaging reading experience for the audience.

Is the spells told on wwwspellsofmagiccom are true or fake?

Fake. There's no such thing as "magic spells" that actually work.