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Personification. "Exile" is being personified.

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The figure of speech used here is personification. Personification is a literary device where human qualities are given to something non-human. In this case, exile is given the human quality of being able to display terror through its "look."

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Q: What is the figure of speech in romeo and Juliet that says for exile hath more terror in his look?
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Who said for exile hath more terror in his look much more than death do not say banishment?

William Shakespeare wrote this line in his play "Romeo and Juliet". It is spoken by Romeo after being sentenced to exile from Verona, highlighting the anguish and despair he feels at the thought of being separated from his love, Juliet.

Why does Romeo assert that exile is torture and not mercy?

Its torture for him because then he is away from juliet. When all he wants to do is be with her but now he cant. Its torture for him because then he is away from juliet. When all he wants to do is be with her but now he cant.

What is the settings the romeo and Juliet?

William Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' takes place in Verona, Italy. While the majority of the play takes place in Verona, there are also scenes in Mantua, Italy during Romeo's exile.

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Montague announces that Lady Montague has died because of Romeo's exile from Verona. He explains that the news of Romeo's banishment caused such grief to her that it led to her untimely death.

Where will romeo flee to after seeing Juliet for the last time?

Romeo is banished to Mantua after seeing Juliet for the last time. He cannot stay in Verona due to the Prince's orders following the altercation between himself and Tybalt, leading to his exile.

What does the word jaunt mean in Romeo and Juliet?

In Romeo and Juliet, the word "jaunt" means a short pleasure trip or journey. The phrase "jovial jaunt to Mantua" refers to Romeo's exile from Verona and his journey to Mantua, where he is banished to by Prince Escalus.

What happened in act 3 scene 4 of romeo and Juliet?

Act 3 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet is set in Juliet's room. Romeo is leaving for his exile and Juliet is upset over the separation. Lady Capulet then comes into Juliet's room and informs her that she will be marrying Paris. The conflict is that Juliet's parents are forcing her to marry Paris and she is already married to Romeo.

What is Friar Lawrence's plan for Romeo in exile?

Friar Lawrence plans to reunite Romeo and Juliet during Romeo's exile. Once Romeo is in Mantua, Friar Lawrence gives Juliet a sleeping potion so that she appears to be dead. The plan was for Romeo to retrieve her from the Capulet tomb after she awakes.

Why does Paris believe that romeo has come?

Paris believes that Romeo has come to Juliet's tomb to cause trouble or desecrate the site, as he is unaware of Romeo and Juliet's relationship and thinks Romeo is a Montague seeking to disrupt the Capulet tomb. This misunderstanding leads to a confrontational encounter between Paris and Romeo at Juliet's tomb.

What does romeo tell Paris he must do?

Capulet tells Paris to marry Juliet, as he (Capulet) is hoping that it will take her mind off her grief of her cousin's death. (Although, Juliet is actually more upset about Romeo's exile than Tybalt's death, but her parents don't know that.)

Why does Prince Escalus banish from Verona?

The Prince banished Romeo because he has killed Juliet's cousin and they don't want to sentence him to death. So they sent him to exile, out of Verona away from his family and friends.

What would you call a person in exile?

A person in exile can actually be called an exile.