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To be used as energy :D

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Q: What is the final destination of nutrients obtained from food?
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What is the final destination of the nutrients in food?

tae.....betterlck nxt tm!

How is metabolism related to the nutrients in food?

how can metabolism related to nutrients in foodsyour metabolism releases the energy from the nutrients you obtained

Where is the final destination of digested food materials?


Components of food or food matierials and sources?

The food for plants is basically obtained from the soil. The nutrients that are found in the soil are absorbed by the roots, by a simple process of diffusion. The plants then indulge in processes to make their own food. The components of food, in general, are carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. These are obtained from fruits, vegetables, seeds and variety of animals.

Which is not a function of nutrients-?

Storing food is not a function of nutrients because nutrients are derived from food.

Why is food a source of energy?

Food energy is energy obtained from food through cellular respiration, which is the set of the metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate.

What are the major types of nutrients you can get from food?

proteins,lipids,carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins

How do animals get protein?

There are many ways in which animals obtain their nutrients. Many of these animals choose to eat or absorb their nutrients.

How are lipids obtained?

Lipids are obtained from the food we eat.

How do you make a food nutrients cycle?

Food nutrient cycle is on where the nutrients in the producers are passes onto many different links of consumers and when the final consumer dies, decomposers such as fungi and bacteria consume the dead body and the nutrients go back to the soil fertilizing it to be used by plants and the cycle goes on and on.Remember:a cycle never has a start or an end

What is the role of capillaries in villi?

Capillary in the villi are used to absorb the digested food and transport the food the the destination cell.

What are the good things in food called?
